<style type="text/css">
#info {height:450px;}
dl.bot_rgt {background:#7f7f9c url(img/c_tl.gif) top left no-repeat; margin:5px 0 0 50px; padding:0; float:left; margin-right:10px; width:40%; display:inline;}
dl.bot_rgt dt {background:transparent url(img/c_tr.gif) top right no-repeat; padding:10px; text-align:center; color:#fff;}
dl.bot_rgt dd {background:#eee url(img/c_bl.gif) bottom left no-repeat; padding:0; margin:0;}
dl.bot_lft {background:#7f7f9c url(img/c_tl.gif) top left no-repeat; margin:5px 0; padding:0; float:left; margin-right:10px; width:40%;}
dl.bot_lft dt {background:transparent url(img/c_tr.gif) top right no-repeat; padding:10px; text-align:center; color:#fff;}
dl.bot_lft dd {background:#eee url(img/c_br.gif) bottom right no-repeat; padding:0; margin:0;}
dl.top_rgt {background:#eee url(img/c_bl.gif) bottom left no-repeat; margin:5px 0 0 50px; padding:0; float:left; margin-right:10px; width:40%; display:inline;}
dl.top_rgt dt {background:#7f7f9c url(img/c_tl.gif) top left no-repeat; padding:10px; text-align:center; color:#fff;}
dl.top_rgt dd {background:transparent url(img/c_br.gif) bottom right no-repeat; padding:0; margin:0;}
dl.top_lft {background:#eee url(img/c_bl.gif) bottom left no-repeat; margin:5px 0; padding:0; float:left; margin-right:10px; width:40%;}
dl.top_lft dt {background:#7f7f9c url(img/c_tr.gif) top right no-repeat; padding:10px; text-align:center; color:#fff;}
dl.top_lft dd {background:transparent url(img/c_br.gif) bottom right no-repeat; padding:0; margin:0;}
dd p {margin:0; padding:10px; line-height:1.3em;}
里面的dl.bot_rgt是实现圆角的代码,可大家仔细看下,这里还差了一个脚,右下角的圆角没有实现的,而对应的“dl.top_lft dd {background:transparent url(img/c_br.gif) bottom right no-repeat; padding:0; margin:0;}”这个就实现了。
<div id="info">
<dl class="bot_rgt">
<dd><p>This is the place to put your descriptive text. The three curved corners and one square corner box requires no extra markup, just a standard definition list with three background images.</p></dd>